My first trip to Africa was in 2013. It was one of the most humbling experiences of my life. Especially considering I went home to a country of which I currently have family who reside there. A country filled with people who desire to come to this fairy tale land that we call The Greatest Country in the World. Upon returning home I am overwhelmed with a sense of appreciation; Appreciation for my life here in America. I am less concerned with the materialistic and fictitious pieces of my life; instead I am drawn towards positive energy and genuine love and acceptance of others.

So, I am back in the United States, the Greatest Country in the World, and I now see a familiar pain in others like the faces I have come across in Ethiopia. I see pain drawn from insecurities and desire for a better life. I see people pan-handling for money, just as the homeless on the streets of Africa. But how could that be possible in The Greatest Country in the World? No matter where we are, we seem to have these demons on our shoulders that feed into our insecurities; Demons of which we are amazing at hiding. But those featured in my exhibition may not be so good at hiding theirs. Yet, they have a story to share just like you and I.  

I hope you enjoy my very first photography exhibition.  December 2015